Monday, September 3, 2012

Where I Was Yesterday

I was kind of out of it after Saturday's Trial by Fire, which I put down to rushing, the high humidity, and the fact that I did not eat until 6pm.

It turned out to be a bit more than that.

Yesterday evening, my forearms and calves began to hurt, and I was feeling too crappy to post.

When juxtaposed with the sore throat and cough that I've had for the past 2 weeks, had me worried about something like meningitis.

Even though I have a doctor's appointment later this week, I went to the local clinic at my wife's insistence.

The doctor saw me, and prescribed antibiotics for my sore throat, a short series of corticosteroids, and a cough medicine.

He also told me to lay off both the statin and the niacin that I am taking, as muscle pain of this sort is a not uncommon side effect for both drugs.

After picking the prescription, and taking all the pills, I sacked out for 4 hours.

When I woke up, I felt a lot better.  I still have a bit of pain, but I feel normal, and my sore throat is gone (indicating that it was bacterial).

I need to take a fasting blood test tomorrow to check muscle enzyme levels.  (CPK)

So, I appear to be all better, so there will be further bloggy goodness, though with Charlie's Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, it will be light posting.

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