Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rob Zerban is on My ActBlue Page

The latest internal poll from Paul Ryan's normally blood red Congressional district shows Democrat Rob Zerban down only by 7, and Ryan below 50%:
Rob Zerban, the Democrat running against Rep. Paul Ryan, has been trying to make the case that he has a real shot at taking down one of the GOP’s most visible leaders, and his campaign is now touting a new poll showing the race is closer than most expected.

The internal poll, provided to Salon ahead of its release, shows Zerban behind by just 8 points among likely voters when respondents were read a “profile statement” about the candidate. FM3 Research, which conducted the survey, wrote in a memo, “Paul Ryan is not the overwhelming favorite in the 1st Congressional District race … Rob Zerban remains a credible challenger.” After respondents were read the statement, 39 percent indicate they will vote for Zerban, while 47 say they will vote for Ryan. Another 4 percent went for a third-party candidate while 11 percent were undecided.
If you have a few bucks, you might want to throw it his way.

Even if it's a long shot, it will put Paul Ryan off of his game as Mitt's running mate, so it's a win-win.

Certainly it's better than giving to the DCCC, where (nominally) former Blue Dog Steve Israel is doing his level best to load up the Congress with Blue Dogs and New Dems.

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