Monday, September 17, 2012


Former Miss America, That Explains It
Well, it looks like the Gretchen Carlson got punked by an aspiring COMEDIAN:
Fox News host Gretchen Carlson cut an interview short on Monday morning after her guest, a so-called “former Obama supporter” and recent college graduate, didn’t seem to comprehend her questions or his reason for being on the show.

While it’s not clear what was going on with the man, identified as Max Rice, he didn’t seem to understand how television interviews work, offered insincere answers to Carlson’s questions, and even awkwardly hit on her.

“Hello Miss USA,” he said after being introduced. “It’s an honor. I wish I could see you.”

“Miss America, but close enough,” she corrected him.

“Miss America,” Rice said. “Miss Universe in my book, in my book.”

“Now, tell me your story,” Carlson prompted. “You believed in the hope and change of President Obama until you voted for him. Now, tell me the next…”

“Oh, I was a huge Obama supporter in 2008,” he replied. “I met him in third grade. I met him when I was little. What’s your question?”

“And why now are you supporting Mitt Romney?” she asked.

“Why am I supporting Mitt Romney? Well, it’s actually a funny story,” he began. “I lost a basketball game to a friend of mine… he’s a huge supporter of this show.”

Several seconds of silence followed. “Okay, so it sounds like you’re not being very serious about…” Carlson began.

“Oh, I’m also disappointed in the direction Obama has taken this nation,” Rice injected. “I will be casting my ballot for Mitt Romney.”


"They were just casting a part in a show," Rice told the progressive website "The first thing that shocked me is that they were that desperate to find someone that fit that category. What they were seeking is someone who voted for Obama in 2008, then somewhere in the last four years got disenfranchised and now is a huge Romney supporter. But I feel like anyone who fits that mold would also dis Romney at the same time. So, they just couldn't find anyone. They're in New York City, so they had to go find a kid in Chicago."

Earlier this year, "Fox & Friends" aired a nearly-four-minute video about President Obama's first term, drawing the ire of critics who say it looked, felt and sounded like a political attack ad.
I am very amused.

Additionally, I actually learned something here.

It always seemed to me that there was a "fish out of water" aspect to Ms. Carlson that seemed familiar, and now I get it.

It's the Phyllis George all over again.

One final note, see Max Rice's speech as president of his senior high school class.  It's prize

For those of you who don't remember Ms. George, she was a sportscaster for a number of years with CBS sports after winning the 1971 Miss America pageant.

She had the broadcasting thing down, but she was always a bit off.

In particular I remember her wondering on air why they kept talking about a big NFL trade rumor.

She knew broadcasting, but she just didn't get sports, or at least Football.

Carlson is the same way. She is thoroughly competent at presenting herself on camera, but she simply does not get news.

h/t cz

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