Thursday, September 20, 2012

Nice Try Scotty

Looks like little Scotty Brown was trying to avoid his first debate with Elizabeth Warren, using an upcoming Senate vote as an excuse.

Well, Harry Reid felt your pain:
Majority Leader Harry Reid abruptly scrapped votes in the Senate on Thursday so Sen. Scott Brown could participate in a high-profile debate with Elizabeth Warren in Boston.

"No more votes today," Reid (D-Nev.) said on the floor. "It's obvious to me what's going on. I've been to a few of these rodeos. It is obvious there is a big stall taking place. One of the senators who doesn't want to debate tonight won't be in a debate. While he can't use the Senate as an excuse, there will be no more votes today."
Well played, Senator Reid.

It's streaming on WBZ and on CSPAN-3.

In the first few minutes, Scotty is harping on her family history (the whole "part Cherokee and Delaware" thing).

He is coming across a really, really pissy.

He's sputtering.

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