Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Chicago Teachers' Strike Over

Technically, the strike is just suspended, but I can't see the teachers hitting the line again:
The Chicago Teachers Union’s House of Delegates decided this afternoon to end the city’s first teacher strike in 25 years and return more than 350,000 students to the classroom Wednesday.

The voice vote was taken after some 800 delegates convened at a union meeting hall near Chinatown to discuss and debate a tentative contract. Union leaders had already signed off on the agreement with Chicago Public Schools.

"We said we couldn't solve all the problems. . .and it was time to suspend the strike," CTU President Karen Lewis said at a news conference after the vote.
One hopes that Rahm gets taken down at the next election.

To the degree than anyone lost, it was Emanuel, and here's hoping that he gets taken down at the next election.

He's a f%$#ing bully who never seems to muster the guts to use it on the other side, and he's yet another case of an incompetence failing up.

He's Dick Cheney minus one finger tip.

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