Monday, July 16, 2012

Cancel the Littoral Combat Ship Now

The US Navy conducted studies of LCS capabilities, and it ain't pretty:
  • It's modular mission systems, which were supposed to allow the ship to be refitted in a couple of days in theater are "untenable", because the logistics are more involved than previously forseen.
  • The ship is intended to take on 21 day missions, but only carries 14 days of food.
  • The crew is too small.
  • It was intended to replace frigates, mine hunters, and patrol boats, but it is, "The new assessments conclude the ships are not equal to today’s frigates or mine countermeasures ships, and they are too large to operate as patrol boats."
  • It has no effective defense against cruise missiles.
  • It has no meaningful offensive capability now that the  Non-Line of Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS) missile system has been canceled.
So, except for its high dash speed, it pretty much has failed every capability that was intended when it was conceived.

Cancel it, and get some honest to got frigates and mine hunters.

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