Thursday, June 14, 2012

Well, He Does Look Kind of Dead

Brains … Brains … Brains!!!!!
Florida Governor Rick Scott had to cast a provisional ballot in 2006 because the voter records said that he was dead:
Six years before he made national headlines, Gov. Rick Scott found himself being purged from voter rolls after local election officials thought he was dead.

Collier County election officials on Thursday confirmed that the governor was required to vote with a provisional ballot for the 2006 primary and general election after county officials mistook him for Richard E. Scott, who died in January 2006 and had the exact same birthday -- 12/1/1952 -- as Florida's 45th governor.

Election officials said the governor was required to vote provisionally because local election officials had received a Social Security Death Index Death Record showing that Richard E. Scott died on Jan. 27, 2006.

The governor, whose full name is Richard Lynn Scott, recounted his voting difficulties in radio interviews on Thursday as the state tangles with the federal government over just that – how likely is it that elections officials might make a mistake and purge the wrong person from the voter rolls?
I'm not sure I believe him.

It's very convenient for this story to come out now.

I'm just sayin'.

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