Monday, June 18, 2012


A number of West Virginia "Democrats" who qualify as super delegates have announced that they won't be attending the convention because they do not want to be supporting Barack Obama:
Democratic West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin says he won’t attend the party’s national convention, citing serious problems with President Barack Obama.

A Tomblin spokesman, Chris Stadelman, said Monday that the governor has serious problems with Republican Mitt Romney, too.

Tomblin is an automatic superdelegate to the Democratic National Convention. He says his time is best spent working in West Virginia, not attending the four-day political rally in Charlotte, N.C.

In West Virginia’s presidential primary, Tomblin refused to say whether he voted for Obama.

Tomlbin isn’t alone in sitting this one out — West Virginia’s Sen. Joe Manchin and congressman Nick Rahall say they don’t plan to attend the convention, either.
What they are really saying is that they don't want to be seen as supporting Barack Obama, because their voters are from West Virginia, and he's a Ni*bong*. (Blazing Saddles reference)


There is a level of sacrifice to be made by people in leadership positions, and this ain't it.

I'm not saying that you have to go, but as a person in a leadership position in the party, you don't advertise the fact.

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