Monday, June 11, 2012

It's On Girl!

So, now both the ACLU and the Department of Justice are suing Florida over Governor Rick Scott's voter purge, and Florida is suing DHS for access to their immigration database:
The American Civil Liberties Union sued Florida on Friday to stop its controversial program designed to purge noncitizen voters from the rolls.

The ACLU says the program, which overwhelmingly targets minorities, needs approval from the federal government under the 1965 Voting Rights Act — a claim already made last week by the U.S. Department of Justice when it ordered Florida to cease the purge.

Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner, who is named as a defendant, has said Florida already received permission years ago to clean the voter rolls of noncitizens.

But the ACLU argues that the specific processes for the noncitizen-voter program — a new effort by the state — never received federal approval.

What's more, the program is too much of a burden on, and too much of a threat to, lawful voters, who could risk being removed from the rolls due to government error, the ACLU says.

"The state of Florida is violating federal law by subjecting citizens to this new and unnecessary requirement in order to exercise their right to vote," Julie Ebenstein, an ACLU Florida staff attorney, said in a written statement. "We are asking the court to protect the right to vote and stop this unlawful, targeted voting purge."

Detzner's office couldn't immediately respond to all aspects of the suit, which was filed late Friday afternoon. But it insisted the program is fair and needed.
The program is needed of course, because, after all, it would chaos if they let sp**s and n*****s vote.

Here's a paraphrase of Jeff Foxworthy, "If you think that people who will likely vote against you should be prevent from voting, you might not be a real American."

It would be nice if someone went to jail over this crap.

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