Friday, June 1, 2012

Great Googly Moogly

The latest monthly jobs report is out, and is sucks wet farts from dead pigeons. Only 68,000 new jobs were created, the March and April numbers were revised down to 78K, the unemployment rate (U-3) went up by a a tenth of a point to 8.2% (U-6 rose by .3% to 14.8%), and long term unemployment rose.

Note that while the private sectors payroll was a "Meh" +87K, but government payrolls fell by 19,000.

So, while we American governmental entities aren't going austerity crazy like the Brits, we are kind of slow walking austerity. (Something that Obama's campaign seems to be bragging about)

The Institute for Supply Management's latest manufacturing index is headed in the wrong direction as well.

But at least we're not Yurp which sucks a lot worseworse, with Euro zone unemployment climing to 11%. (Thanks Angela)

1 comment:

  1. But...whose FAULT is it?  I still blame the Repukes.
