Thursday, May 17, 2012

They Own Us

Too hot for TED
When someone gives a TED talk suggesting that lower taxes on the very wealthy actually makes out economy worse off, because the middle class is the real engine of job growth.

The response of TED was to refuse to release the video of the talk:
TED, the nonprofit organization that organizes and promotes wonky web videos on varying issues known as “TED talks,” has reportedly decided not to publish a video on income inequality in which venture capitalist Nick Hanauer declares, “Rich businesspeople like me don’t create jobs.” TED organizers deemed the talk too “politically controversial,” and in an email obtained by the National Journal, TED curator Chris Anderson told Hanauer that “we couldn’t release it, because it would be unquestionably regarded as out and out political. We’re in the middle of an election year in the US. Your argument comes down firmly on the side of one party.
It's the super-rich's world, they just allow us to rent a space in their attic.

BTW, the "Curator" of TED posted his his response online. The phrase, "Whiner" comes to mind. (Be sure to read the comments, they realy cut him a new one)

Basically, this was cut because the thesis makes the moneybags who back TED feel bad. The "Masters of the Universe" really think that they are different and special.

Thus they cannot abide being described as an effect rather than a cause.

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