Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dieing Well

Music impresario Kathi Goldmark:
Kathi Kamen Goldmark, a beloved San Francisco literary impresario and country-rock singer, died May 24 after a long battle with breast cancer. She was 63.

Ms. Goldmark died at UCSF Medical Center surrounded by family and friends, including authors Amy Tan, Dave Barry and Maya Angelou. In her last hours, musician Roger McGuinn of the Byrds sang an Irish hymn to her over the phone, and Judy Collins called to sing "Amazing Grace." As the end drew near, Ms. Goldmark mouthed something toward those around her. It was "Rosebud," the famous last line from "Citizen Kane." And she smiled as she whispered it.

"She had a sense of humor right until the end," said Barry, the humorist. "There has never been a funnier lady."
I hope I do half as well when my time comes.

Read the rest.

I wish that I had known of her before reading her obituary.

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