Monday, April 16, 2012

WhyEeveryone at the ECB Should be Fired and Replaced With Kitchen Appliances, Part CLXVII

The banksters at the ECB, those self-appointed protectors against the ravages of inflation, are demanding an inflation adjustment for their pensions:
Since the start of the Eurosystem our brave inflation warriors at the ECB regularly praise themselves what a heck of the job they are doing about their primary objective the maintenance of price stability. But yesterday the German Daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) published an article (German), that our guardians of price stability fight another good fight. The employees of the ECB want their own pensions to be inflation protected.

So the same folks who lecture member states of the Eurozone about the danger of private sector labor and pension contracts being inflation-indexed because of moral hazard want their own pension contracts inflation-indexed. For this fight to be successful ECB employees deploy a very evil institution: the central banker union IPSO. According to the FAZ article a former employee sued the ECB with the help of IPSO at European Court of Justice.
Seriously, I cannot think of of a better illustration of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the so-called experts who want to tell us how we are supposed to run our economy.

Their rules only apply to us, not to them.

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