Monday, April 30, 2012


The SEC still hasn't finished its investigation of Lehman?

It's been 4 years, and we've not seen anything:
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is still probing Lehman Brothers more than three years after the investment bank collapsed during the global financial crisis, agency chairman Mary Schapiro said on Wednesday.

Schapiro told lawmakers it would be inappropriate to comment on a matter that "remains under investigation," but assured lawmakers that the SEC has conducted interviews with management at the highest levels and has reviewed millions of pages of documents.

"It is still under review," she said at an SEC oversight hearing before a House Financial Services subcommittee.

Schapiro's comments come after "60 Minutes" on Sunday aired a segment revisiting the March 2010 findings by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc's court-appointed examiner, Anton Valukas.

Valukas' report said that Lehman used accounting gimmicks and had been insolvent for weeks before it filed for bankruptcy in September 2008.
But we haven't even seen administrative actions.

Nobody has been banned from the securities industry, no prosecutions, no fines, no nothing.

The fix is in.

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