Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oh Yeah, There Were Primaries Yesterday

Actually there were 5, and Romney won them all.

What is interesting however were 2 Congressional races in Pennsylvania:
U.S. Rep. Tim Holden, Pennsylvania’s longest-serving congressman, lost his re-election bid in the Democratic primary, while Rep. Mark Critz beat fellow Democratic incumbent Rep. Jason Altmire in another contest that shook up the state’s House delegation.

Newly-configured congressional district lines put in place by the Republican-controlled state Legislature affected the dynamics in each closely-watched race.

Holden, who was elected to Congress in 1992 and was one of its conservative, so-called Blue Dog Democrats, lost Tuesday to personal injury attorney Matt Cartwright, who spent nearly $400,000 in the race.

Asked to assess his victory, Cartwright said “It’s a combination of things, number one, the redistricting, and number two, my own core political beliefs are a much better fit for the new district.”
The only bad news in these two elections is that Critz and Altmire could not both lose.

Still Critz is a bit less bad than Altmire.

BTW, as an aside, if you are considering supporting Democratic Congressional candidates this cycle, take Howie Klein's advice, and don't take a DCCC endorsement for granted, particularly since its head this cycle is former Blue Dog Steve Israel.  (You can see examples of their hacktacular calls at the link)

We need fewer of these right wing pukes in congress, not more, and most of the DCCC's red to blue targets are faux Dems.

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