Thursday, February 23, 2012

They Posthumously Baptized Anne Frank Again?!?!!?

Oh those whacky Mormons:
Anne Frank, one of the most renowned Jewish victims of the Holocaust, has allegedly been baptized -again- in a Mormon temple. The proxy ritual, known as a 'baptism for the dead' reportedly happened in the Dominican Republic.

On Saturday, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was said to have performed the ceremony posthumously, according to whistle blower Helen Radkey.

Radkey, a Salt Lake city researcher and former member of the church, discovered that Anne Frank, who died in a concentration camp at 15, was baptized by proxy over the weekend.

The situation also stirred conflict between the two religions, as the Mormon church vowed to stop the posthumous baptisms. But the ritual has been carried out at least nine times in Frank's case, over 10 years, from 1989 to 1999. Radkey said she made the discovery of the incident when Frank's name appeared in a database for proxy baptism, which is usually only open to Mormons.
It is so on, bitches.

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