Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Pedophile Protectors Move the Goal Post

You knew that the be satisfied with nothing but a right to enforce their religious beliefs on the rest of us:
Hours after calling the Obama administration's contraceptives compromise a "first step," the Catholic bishops said Friday night they have "two serious objections" to the new policy and will fight its enactment.

First, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said the administration’s plan still includes a “nationwide mandate of insurance coverage of sterilization and contraception, including some abortifacients.”

“This is both unsupported in the law and remains a grave moral concern,” the bishops said in their statement. “We cannot fail to reiterate this, even as so many would focus exclusively on the question of religious liberty.
I am so not shocked by this.

This is why compromise is not an option.

There isn't one. You either capitulate, or fight.

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