Friday, February 17, 2012

'Phants Phess Up to Ph%$#ing Up Caucus Count in Maine

So, Mitt Romney won by a couple of hundred votes, and the Maine Republican Party said that this was the end of the matter.

The problem was that there were a number of (Ron Paul trending) town caucuses in Maine that were not counted, as well as all of Washington County, which delayed the vote because of a snow storm.

So, after a rising crescendo of coverage of the irregularities, they are now apparently conducting a recount, as well as allowing Washington County to conduct its vote tomorrow:
The Maine Republican Party has reversed course and will recommend that delayed caucus results from Washington County be included in its final presidential poll tally. The party also is reconfirming results from local caucuses in the wake of the recent controversy over how its presidential caucuses were handled.

“The results of the Washington County caucus will be reviewed at the March 10 Republican State Committee meeting,” Maine GOP Chairman Charlie Webster said in a prepared statement approved by the state party’s executive committee.
Note that March 10 is after Super Tuesday, so the effect of a Romney "win" turning into a loss won't hit the media narrative until after he's probably made his nomination a near mathematical lock.

This has happened twice now, so I think that the tinfoil hat explanation is gaining credence.


  1. If they'll do this in their primaries, not much of a stretch to knwo they'll do it in the general election.  Because it's the only way they'll beat Obama.

  2. It's how Bush, Jr. became Prez.
