Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Gingrich, Whiny Bitch

It appears that Newt just can't get his debate on without a dawg pound in the audience, so hew is threatening to skip debates if they don't allow the audience to cheer and boo, because it's important to allow the audience to boo the golden rule, and cheer allowing grannies to die:
Newt Gingrich insists his fans will not be silenced.

Mr. Gingrich, a former House speaker, on Tuesday morning threatened not participate in any future debates with audiences that have been instructed to be silent. That was the case on Monday, when Brian Williams of NBC News asked the audience of about 500 people who assembled for a debate in Tampa to hold their applause until the commercial breaks.

In an interview with the morning show “Fox and Friends,” Mr. Gingrich said NBC’s rules amounted to stifling free speech. In what has become a standard line of attack for his anti-establishment campaign, Mr. Gingrich blamed the media for trying to silence a dissenting point of view.

“I wish in retrospect I’d protested when Brian Williams took them out of it because I think it’s wrong,” Mr. Gingrich said. “And I think he took them out of it because the media is terrified that the audience is going to side with the candidates against the media, which is what they’ve done in every debate.”
Seriously, it appears that Gingrich can't be at his best without an audience of inbred sociopath teabagger bigots, I guess.

He's the perfect Republican.

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