Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Take on Obama's State of the Union Speech

I didn't expect to be impressed, and I wasn't.  I'm really not one of his fans.

Quick bullet points:
  • His nods to populism seemed to be insincere.  I really don't believe that we'll see any effort to crack down on, for example, Chinese trade/currency manipulation.
  • He couldn't resist inserting yet another "there are people on both sides" who are nasty bit, as was his digression about milk spill regulations, and icky regulations.
  • Raising taxes on millionaires, and banning congressional insider trading and lobbying by campaign bundlers are winners, but won't pass this Congress.
  • His statements on spending war savings on infrastructure is nothing new.
  • His call for establishing a financial crimes unit is probably a good idea, assuming that it is not just rearranging deck chairs.
  • I liked his shout out to Richard Cordray heading the CFPB.  It was pretty much his only "in your face" to the 'Phants.

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