Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's Too Close to Call Between Mitt and "The Frothy Mixture."

They are still tabulating votes in Iowa, and it's too close to call between Romney and Santorum,with Paul being a close 3rd:
Returns from 1,703 of 1,774 precincts showed Santorum with 24.6 percent, Romney with 24.5 percent and Paul with 21.3 percent. Santorum had 29,046 votes, Romney 28,928 and Paul 25,121.
It's pretty clear that, no matter how it turns out, Mitt wins this.

Rick "The Frothy Mixture" Santorum has no funds and no organization, and he won't play well in New Hampshire, and Ron Paul is … Ron Paul, so it's now Mitt's race to lose, regardless of how the next few thousand votes break.

Romney needed to lose, and lose big for someone to be in a real position to challenge him.

Then again, considering my record of prognostication…………

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