Friday, January 20, 2012

It's Bank Failure Friday!!!!

We now have the first bank closings of the year by the FDIC.

It's a pretty busy week, 3 closings, but the last time that banks were closed was December 23, 4 weeks ago, so overall, it's been pretty sparse, even with the holiday doldrums.

So far, it looks OK, but it's not enough data to make any sort of projections.
And here they are, ordered, and numbered for the year so far.

  1. Central Florida State Bank, Belleview, FL
  2. The First State Bank, Stockbridge, FL
  3. American Eagle Savings Bank, Boothwyn, PA
Full FDIC list

So, here is the graph pr0n with last years numbers for comparison (FDIC only):

And here is the detail, since it is early in the year:

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