He was arrested after uploading images of pre-pubescent boys on to the Ning social networking website.You know, notwithstanding the assertions of people like ……… You know ……… the Pope that it's all an aberrations and caused by our wicked society.
Police officers who traced him to his home in Plymouth, Devon, found more than 4,000 child porn images, mainly of boys aged 10 to 12, on his church-supplied computer and a memory stick when they raided the house in Penrose Road.
The court heard that 4,389 images were found on the laptop and memory stick.
The majority, 3,721, were at Level One, the lowest level for abusive images.
But there were 120 at Level Four, which includes scenes of child rape, and 12 at Level Five, which can include scenes of torture and sadism.
Jarvis, who the court heard claimed he was abused as a child, was sentenced at the city's crown court after admitted 12 counts of making, possessing and distributing indecent images at a previous magistrates' court hearing.
I think that a bit of self examination is order here, because lashing out at the rest of the world over this seems to be just a bit delusional.
H/t Americablog.
*The refrain from the Depeche Mode song Blasphemous Rumors is, "I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours, But I think that God's got a sick sense of humor, And when I die I expect to find Him laughing."
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