Thursday, January 12, 2012

Good News Everyone! Bigots Don't Get to Steal Property.

So a bunch of bigots were upset with the Episcopal Church not hating on te ghey enough, so they left the Episcopal Church, and affiliated with a "Kill the Gays" Anglican Bishop in Nigeria.

Well, now a judge has ruled that their churches are property of the Diocese of Virginia:
A Virginia judge has ruled against seven conservative congregations that broke away from the Episcopal Church in 2006, rejecting their argument that they should be able to keep some $40 million in church real estate that the national denomination also claims.

The case has drawn worldwide attention because it involves a cluster of large, prominent churches with well-known conservative pastors and because the issues at hand — particularly the Episcopal Church’s acceptance of same-sex relationships as equal to heterosexual ones — are roiling much of organized religion. Various Protestant congregations in particular have wound up in litigation across the country.

The 113-page ruling was handed down Tuesday by Fairfax County Circuit Court Judge Randy Bellows.

A spokeswoman for the congregations said they were considering their next step, but a letter sent to some 4,600 congregants sounded as though they are bracing for the worst. Each congregation has a contingency plan if they have to vacate, said Caitlin Bozell Manaois.
Couldn't happen to a more repulsive group of people.

For too many people, religion is just an excuse to hate.

BTW, it appears that Caitlin Bozell Manaois is Brent Bozell's daughter.  (She works at CRC Public Relations, which is one of his front groups)

Brent Bozell is the head of the "Media Research Center" and is probably best known for referring to Barack Obama as a, "skinny ghetto crackhead."

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