Monday, January 30, 2012

Europe is F%$#ed

Because the Germans have been allowed to force their self delusions on the rest of Europe:
Chancellor Angela Merkel cemented her political ascendancy in Europe on Monday when 25 out of 27 EU states agreed to a German-inspired pact for stricter budget discipline, even as they struggled to rekindle growth from the ashes of austerity.

Only Britain and the Czech Republic refused to sign a fiscal compact in March that will impose quasi-automatic sanctions on countries that breach European Union budget deficit limits and will enshrine balanced budget rules in national law.

The accord was eagerly greeted by the European Central Bank which has long pressed euro zone governments to put their houses in order.
The solution to problems caused austerity and overly aggressive efforts at European integration will be more austerity and overly aggressive efforts at European integration.

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