They got more than one million!
That's more than ¼ of all registered voters.
The wind is blowing in from Wisconsin, and I smell toast ………… My bad that's Scott Walker, who smells a lot like toast right now.
BTW, it's not just Walker"
Democrats and union members also collected about 850,000 signatures to recall Republican Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch and 20,600 names to recall [Republican] Senator [Leader] Scott Fitzgerald, about 4,200 more than necessary. Also targeted are Senators Pam Galloway, Terry Moulton and Van Wanggaard.So, where was the Governor when this was all going on? He was in New York, raising money with Maurice "Hank" Greenberg at a $2500 a plate fundraiser.
Why was he raising large chunks of out of state cash from one of the prime architects of the AIG fiasco, whose bailout continues to cost taxpayers billions of dollars?
Why because those pesky lefties are flooding Wisconsin with masses of out of state dirty money.
Who says irony is dead?
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