Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Well What Do You Know? The Penn State Football is a Bunch of 'Phants!

Or, more accurately Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno are both registered Republicans, which is not as odd as it sounds, as coaching staffs tend to lean that way (with the notable exception of Bill Belichick).

Let is cede the fact that Republican does not equal pedophile, nor does it imply that Republicans support Pedophilia, though the abuse of power and self-entitlement bit, where Paterno and the Penn State sports program let it slide because Sandusky was one of them, does seem to be symptomatic of Republican party registration.

The point that the author makes in the article, and the one that I agree with, is that if either Sandusky or Paterno were Democrats, you would hear Rush Limbaugh making animal noises and Deliverance references while implying that Democrats support pedophilia.

FWIW, I agree with Olbermann, Paterno should be filed.

1 comment:

  1. "Let us cede the fact that Republican does not equal pedophile"

    No, let's not cede the fact.  Let's call them pedophiles.  It's more fun that way.
