Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Unbelievable Wankitude that is Sam Brownback

Seriously. It appears that a girl watching Sam Brownback address a mock legislature tweeted that he "sucked", and Brownback's office found her tweet and contacted school authorities:
A Kansas teenager is in trouble after mocking Gov. Sam Brownback during a mock legislative assembly for high school students.

Emma Sullivan, a senior at Shawnee Mission East High School in Prairie Village, was in Topeka on Monday as part of Kansas Youth in Government, a program for students interested in politics and government.

During the session, in which Brownback addressed the group, Sullivan posted on her personal Twitter page:

“Just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot”

On Tuesday, Sullivan was called to her principal’s office and told that the tweet had been flagged by someone on Brownback’s staff and reported to organizers of the Youth in Government program.

The principal “laid into me about how this was unacceptable and an embarrassment,” Sullivan said. “He said I had created this huge controversy and everyone was up in arms about it … and now he had to do damage control.

“I’m mainly shocked that they would even see that tweet and be concerned about me,” she said. “I just honestly feel they’re making a lot bigger deal out of it than it actually was.”

Sullivan said the principal ordered her to write letters of apology to Brownback, the school’s Youth in Government sponsor, the district’s social studies coordinator and others.

Karl Krawitz, the school principal, did not return calls or e-mails Wednesday.
It goes without saying that Krawitz is a bully and a coward, full of demands when he's leaning on a student, and silent when the press calls, though in all fairness, being a bully and a coward depending on circumstances is pretty much the definition of a Principal's job.

That being said, the fact that any political operation decided to go after a teenager over a tweet is pathetic beyond belief.  This is "Michelle Malkin stalking a 12-year old over his support of S-Chip" pathetic.

It's also deeply evil, and un-American.

Just when I think that the 'Phants could not go any lower, I am disabused of this quaint notion.

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