Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rachel is Right, Cain Has Punk'd Us All

Because, as entertaining as the Republican presidential primary, aka "the Clown Show," is, our man Herman takes this to a whole new level of assholitude:
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has suggested that the Taliban are playing a role in Libya's new government, adding another foreign policy misstep to his stumbling campaign.

The week opened with Cain struggling to answer whether he supported US president Barack Obama's foreign policy in Libya. He ended it trying to blame reporters for the moment, which was captured on video and quickly spread around the internet.

Cain's critics seized on Monday's incoherent answer as the latest evidence that he is unprepared to be the party's nominee. On Friday, Cain gave his critics more grist for their increasingly substantial mill.

"Do I agree with siding with the opposition? Do I agree with saying that Gaddafi should go? Do I agree that they now have a country where you've got Taliban and al-Qaida that's going to be part of the government?" Cain asked reporters in Orlando, Florida. "Do I agree with not knowing the government was going to – which part was he asking me about? I was trying to get him to be specific and he wouldn't be specific."
(emphasis mine)

Seriously, the Taliban?  The Taliban is inflitrating the government of Libya?

I guess that must be because Afghanistan is located right next to Libya.

Jeebus, they are 2½ hours apart.  That's two and one half freaking time zones apart!

They don't even border on the same freaking time zone.

I'm with Rachel Maddow. This is not primarily a Presidential campaign, it is performance art:

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