Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Payback's A Bitch

Case in point, the official drive to recall Koch sucker Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has officially begun, and right now the polls show a majority supporting kicking his sorry ass out:
Gov. Scott Walker has lost support among his Republican base, according to a poll released Tuesday that shows a majority of respondents want to recall him from office.

The Wisconsin Public Radio/St. Norbert College Survey was released the same day that Democrats, labor unions and others, angry over his moves to curb union rights, began circulating petitions to get the 540,000 signatures needed to force a recall election next year.

The poll showed that 58 percent of respondents believe Walker should be recalled from office. That compares with 47 percent who said in April that he should be recalled.

The growth in support for a recall came, surprisingly, from Republicans. In the spring, only 7 percent of Republicans supported recalling Walker but that grew to 24 percent in the fall. Support among Democrats held mainly steady at 88 percent in the spring and 92 percent in the fall.
Let's be clear: The recall effort is not a done deal.

They have to collect 540,000 signatures in just 60 days for Walker, and smaller numbers for the State Senators that they are targeting, and the Republicans are in full whine mode over this, complaining that this is an "abuse" of the law.

Case in point, Wasuau Senenator Pam Galloway, who bleated that, "I don't know why I am being recalled. I haven't broken any laws."

Ma'am, you are being targeted for recall because you are a jerk who does not represent the interests of her constituents. That's what the law is for, we have the criminal justice system to handle corruption.

If I were collecting signatures for this, I would be seeing how to get people who are part of the "Occupy" movement involved.

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