Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Lesson Here is If You Cheat Investors, Be a White Man

Long prison term, dark face, any questions?
You know why Raj Rajaratnam just got sentenced to 11 years in prison for insider trading:
Fallen hedge fund tycoon Raj Rajaratnam has been sentenced to a record 11 years in prison after his conviction in the biggest Wall Street insider trading case in decades.

Prosecutors had pushed for 25-year sentence after convicting Rajaratnam, 54, in the biggest insider trading investigation ever conducted by US authorities.

Legal experts said that while prosecutors may have been disappointed with the decision, the sentence was still the highest ever given for insider dealing.
The thing to remember here is that this is actually fairly small time by the scale of the financial meltdown, and that he is not white.

I won't believe that there is any sort of meaningful crackdown on the banksters until we see someone who is both white, and at least at the VP level for a major bank.

This is just, "Rounding up the usual suspects."

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