Monday, October 10, 2011

OK, Maybe She Has a Chance

Elizabeth Warren's Senate campaign raised $3.15 million in the 3rd quarter, more than double Wall Street darling Scott Brown's haul of $1.55 million:
 Consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren is off to a quick start when it comes to raising money for her Senate campaign in Massachusetts, with a debut total -- $3.15 million -- that may even out-perform some of the Republican candidates for president.

Warren, who helped set up the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and is a favorite candidate among progressives, announced the impressive third-quarter haul in an email to her supporters Monday. She said that 96% of the contributions came in donations of $100 or less.
Note that, "Most of the money was raised since she formally joined the race for the Democratic nomination in mid-September."

You gotta figure that she's going to get a lot of sweat equity out of her supporters as well.

I think that the primary campaign is basically over, but I still think that Scott Brown, particularly with the enthusiastic backing of the banksters, and what will surely be tepid support from the Wall Street living Democratic establishment *cough* Obama *cough* will be a though nut to crack.

But I am no longer making a prediction about the outcome.

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