Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Stays at Zuccotti Park

At least for now, but there were arrests, including, according to Olbermann, at least one arrest for being run over by a police vehicle. (Yep, you got that right)

He was arrested with enough force to require his hospitalization.

Here is the kicker:
The man on the ground has been identified as 32-year-old Ari Douglas, a legal observer at the Occupy Wall Street protests for the National Lawyer's Guild. The video appears to show a police officer running over Mr. Douglas' leg with a scooter.

First the viral video of the senior New York policeman (white shirt, lieutenant, at least) pepper spraying without provocation, and now we have this.

We also have two cases of what appears to be two unprovoked assaults on protesters, again by white shirt cops.

Seriously, these guys are going to make the Occupy Wall Street more popular than The Beatles:

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