Saturday, October 1, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Heats Up

First, we are now seeing support from unions and local civil society groups:
The “Occupy Wall Street” protests, now entering their third week, are poised to get a whole lot bigger than its core of 200 to 300 people, potentially even exceeding the protesters original goals of 20,000 demonstrators, thanks to recent pledges of support from some of New York City’s largest labor unions and community groups.

On Tuesday, over 700 uniformed pilots, members of the Air Line Pilots Association, took to the streets outside of Wall Street demanding better pay.


The other eight organizations expected to join in the October 5 rally, based on its Facebook page, are United NY, Strong Economy for All Coalition, Working Families Party, VOCAL-NY, Community Voices Heard, Alliance for Quality Education, New York Communities for Change, Coalition for the Homeless, which have a collective membership of over 1 million.
Additionally, since the video of a New York City deputy inspector Anthony Bologna going crazy with pepper spray on protesters went viral, the protesters are actually getting some ink in the American press. (Google news shows more coverage overseas than in the US)

Additionally, they finally had a mass protest, and related mass arrests, on the Brooklyn Bridge.

If the protesters, or their new supporters, can manage to get their sh%$ together, and leverage their recent US media coverage, we might actually have a real a voice for stopping the looting and starting prosecuting.

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