Thursday, September 1, 2011

When a 'Phant Calls Another 'Phant a Stupid Classless Idiot…

You know that a big fat line has been crossed.

In this case, it's  Brian Miller, former head of the Pima County (Tucson) Arizona Republican Party, calling his successors classless dolts for raffling off a Glock handgun as a fund raiser.

The reason that he's saying this is because this is Gabrielle Gifford's district, and she was shot, wait for it, with a Glock:
Eyebrows shot up all over the country Thursday following news that that the Republican Party in Pima County, AZ -- home to Tucson and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' (D) district -- is raffling off a Glock similar to the one used to shoot Giffords in the head in January.

In Tucson, the condemnation of the plan was universal and bi-partisan.

"There's a woman who has a bullet in the brain and who everybody is wishing a full recovery," Brian Miller, the immediate past chair of the Pima County GOP told TPM. "I don't think that raffling off a firearm right now is probably the right way to go."

Miller says the people who took over the party -- and booted him from his position after he criticized local law enforcement for shooting a Marine in a controversial raid on his home in May -- are from the "my way or the highway" wing of the GOP who don't pay much thought to the political fallout from their actions.

While he said that raffling off a firearm to raise money is something he did himself when he ran (and lost) in the 2010 Republican primary in Gifford's district, it's not something he'd do now.

But it's the kind of thing the folks in charge of things at the Pima County GOP may become known for, and to the party's detriment, he said.

"The people who are running the Pima County GOP right now aren't exactly known for their ability to feel the political pulse," he said. "Politically, it's kind of a silly thing to do."
Anyone who thinks that you can reason with rat f%$#s like this is delusional.

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