Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Elizabeth Warren Announces Run for Massachusetts Senate

Elizabeth Warren has officially declared her run for the Senate.

I understand why she feels the need to run, but I am pessimistic.

First, whatever you say about Republican Scott Brown, he is a very good campaigner, second, the Dems are rooting for her to lose almost as much as the Republicans are, because they can then argue that people don't want real consumer protections.

And if she wins, she ends up in the Senate, where she would enter a seniority driven and hidebound old boys club that would do their level best to keep her away from any meaningful voice on finance.

I wish her luck, but it's a lose-lose for her us.

Well, at least she's better than Brown, who's a smarmy right wing ratf%$#.

Her campaign web page is here.

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