Saturday, August 13, 2011

Obama has lost Ed Shultz??

Not what I expect from Ed
Ed Schultz uses the standard cop out that Obama is "Getting bad advice", but he's asking "Where's Barry?"

He notes, accurately IMNSHO, that if Obama had been involved at any level, then at least three Senators would have been unseated, not just two.

John Nichols comes on toward the end, and notes that not only was Obama AWOL on Wisconsin, but he was a regular visitor until the entire conflict developed, and then he avoided the state.

Ed Schultz is an Obama fanboi, and it's a huge part of his brand as a broadcaster, and even he feels compelled to say, "If only the Czar knew."

Eddie, here's a hint:  the Czar knows, and this is what he wants.

Obama's self image, and reelection strategy, is all about his PPUS (Post Partisan Unity Schtick), because he (probably wrongly) believes that the voters will perceive his cowardice as strength, and because he is fundamentally unwilling to take any risks, or take any hits, even to the smallest degree, to support his allies.

This, by the way, is why the Democrats will lose the Senate, and not take back the House, inn 2012.  Barack Obama's intention is to strip mine the base and the party apparatus, and to hell with the party.

1 comment:

  1. In fairness, earlier in the WI business, Obama was asked not be involved.

    From a tactical point of view, demoncrats can say, look how much we cost the reactionairies without even gettingthe marshmellow here.
