Monday, August 22, 2011

I Thought That I Had Already Posted This

Former Luzerne County Court Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., who took bribes from private prison companies to send kids to jail, was sentenced to 28 years in jail:
As his moment of sentencing drew near Thursday, former Luzerne County Court Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr. was still trying to minimize his crimes. No way, he said, had he sold "kids for cash."

The prosecutor would have none of it.

"In essence, Mr. Ciavarella's argument is, 'I was not selling kids retail,' " Assistant U.S. Attorney Gordon A.D. Zubrod said. "We agree with that. He was selling them wholesale."

Minutes later, U.S. District Judge Edwin M. Kosik slammed Ciavarella, 61, with 28 years in prison. It appeared to be the longest federal prison sentence ever given in a U.S. political corruption case.

In the Scranton area, Ciavarella was a key target among many in a sweeping and still-ongoing federal corruption probe. Prosecutors have brought charges against nearly 30 officials, including two other judges, numerous court officials, a former state senator, school board members, and county officials.
(emphasis mine)

It may be a record long sentence, but it is not long enough.

His partner in crime, county president judge Michael T. Conahan, has already pled guilty, and is awaiting sentencing.

Hopefully, he gets a sentence of similar length.


  1. Yeah but will they got ot a Club Fed, or a PMITA prison?

  2. Well, with a 28 year sentence, I believe that minimum security is not in line dept of corrections policy, so medium security at least.
