Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baucus?!?!?!?! Max F%$#ing Baucus?!?!?!?

So Harry Reid has appointed his 3 Democrats to the "Super Committee", and they are John Kerry, Patty Murray, and Max Baucus.

Here is my rundown:
  • Max Baucus is the least Democratic Democrat in the US Senate.  He is more responsible for killing the public option than anyone in the senate.

  • John Kerry is angling for the Secretary of State appointment after Hillary Clinton resigns, probably after the election, and so is in Obama's, and Secretary of Defense Panetta's pocket.

  • Patty Murray is the Senator from Boeing.

So Reid has appointed 3 people who will blink at the possibility of the automatic cuts to defense, and Republicans desperate to get Democrats to join in their "Kill Medicare" suicide pact.

The rule is that a majority vote passes along a non-debatable, non-filibusterable, and non amendable motion to both houses, so if just one Dem flips *cough* Baucus *cough*, we see something that cuts Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, both gutting the safety the safety net, and saving the Republicans from the Paul Ryan budget.

I honestly believe that this is intentional.

It will condemn the Democrats to minority party status for a generation, because it means that we stand for nothing.

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