Monday, August 8, 2011

Advice to the Yids* Out There

Yes, the market tanked today, so there is likely a bounce tomorrow, but if you are Jewish, don't invest on Tisha B'av, which starts this sun down.

I'm not particularly superstitious, but when you consicer that this date gave us:
  • The reports of the spies, which led the Jews to spend 40 years in the desert.

  • The destruction of the 1st temple.

  • The destruction of the 2nd temple.

  • The crushing of the Bar Kokhba rebellion.

  • The first crusade, which set of an orgy of pogroms and murder.

  • The expulsion of the Jews from Spain.

  • The expulsion of the Jews from England.

  • The start of WWI.

So, seriously, not a good day for Jews to invest.  I'm just saying. 

*I'm a Yid myself, so I can use the term.

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