Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can We Please Primary the Bastard Now?

So it appears that Barack Obama is removing Elizabeth Warren as head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:
President Barack Obama has chosen a candidate other than Elizabeth Warren as director of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, according to a person briefed on the matter.

The president’s choice is a person who already works at the consumer agency, the person said yesterday. Obama may make the nomination as soon as next week, another person briefed on the administration’s plans said.

The people, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the process isn’t public, didn’t name Obama’s choice.

Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard professor, was appointed last fall by Obama to set up the consumer bureau until a director was named. Warren previously was head of the congressional watchdog panel overseeing the bank bailout.
And here is the kicker:
Raj Date, a top deputy to Warren at the consumer bureau, was on a short list of candidates to become director ………

………He was senior vice president for corporate strategy and development at Capital One and a managing director in the financial institutions group at Deutsche Bank. During the debate over Dodd-Frank, Date headed the Cambridge Winter Center for Financial Institutions Policy, a research group he founded.
So he's replacing Elizabeth Warren with a f%$#ing banker.

But in classic fashion, he's floating out a payoff for her to keep her mouth shut until after the 2012 election, the Democratic nomination for Senate, where she would run against Scott Brown:
Elizabeth Warren’s calendar sure looks like the schedule of a woman considering a Senate bid, or at least someone being courted by power players in Massachusetts and the Senate Democrats’ campaign operation in Washington.

In recent weeks, Warren has met in person or spoke on the phone with Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray, David Axelrod, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Massachusetts Democratic Reps. Barney Frank, Stephen Lynch and John Tierney. The phone call with Murray took place in early June, Roll Call has learned. Warren attended a community banking event with Tierney in the Bay State and dined with Schumer, a former DSCC chairman and an aggressive recruiter who remains involved in DSCC activities.

Warren’s May calendar, the most recently available public schedule, shows the Schumer dinner along with the other meetings and discussions.

Given that Warren is leading the creation of a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, CFPB business could, of course, have been the lone agenda item during these meetings. But for a woman some national Democrats and liberal activists are hoping will take on Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown (R) — a prime target in 2012 — her calendar alludes that she has at least been examining the possibility of a run.
So he's putting her up to run against Scott Brown, which is a win-win for Obama.

Basically, she's about the only person who appears to have a possibility to beat him right now, though it's a tough row to hoe, because Brown is the consummate politician, and she isn't.

If she wins, it's easier to hold onto the Senate, and she gets buried as a low seniority Senator, where the old boys' network keeps her far away from any meaningful banking regulation

If she loses, then no one could have won, and he keeps her inconvenient truths out of the press until his reelection.


  1. Obama choice Warren's own choice as the agency's #2 person and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has been meeting with top Dems about running foe the Seante.

    Gee, you don't suppose Obama is doing EXACTLY what warren has asked him to do, huh?

  2. Somehow, I don't think that he asked her opinion before making the decision.

    As to avoiding poltical conflict with the decision, the 'Phants have made it clear that the would filibuster Jamie Diamond of Lloyd Blankfein.
