Friday, July 1, 2011

And Now, a Public Service Announcement

Now if only they could pivot to the banksters
It's an advertisement for Wikileaks.

I wholeheartedly support and approve this message.

Unfortunately, you cannot use your credit, but there are other options listed on their support page.

I would offer a caveat about Bitcoin, which is that the virtual currency has experienced wild price swings, as a result of someone counterfeiting the digital currency, and I would anticipate this sort of thing to increase, because it has some real world value, which attracts criminals, and it is not traceable by the standard three letter acronym (TLA) organizations, which might lead them to attempt to debase the currency or exchanges in some manner.

I would suggest buying an international money order with cash, and mailing it to:
WikiLeaks (or any suitable name likely to avoid interception in your country)
BOX 4080
Australia Post Office - University of Melbourne Branch
Victoria 3052
Not only do I support, rhetorically at least, Wikileaks, but I would like to see the US Constitution mirror that of the Swedish Constitution, and enshrine the concept of Offentlighetsprincipen (openness) into our governmental structures.

I believe that the classification of documents in our society should require a strong and affirmative showing that doing so is essential.

Secrecy is most often used to protect those in power from those whom they ostensibly serve, not for protecting the public safety.

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