Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What is it With 'Phants Governors and Helos?

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Not Just a Helo, but a Big MoFo Helo
First, it was Jane Swift, and now everyone's Republican asshole "it" girl Chris Christie, who took a state police medevac helicopter to his son's baseball game, so that he could get back in time to talk with some wealthy Iowa donors:
A brand-new State Police helicopter was Gov. Chris Christie’s ride of choice yesterday as he traveled to and from his son’s baseball game in Bergen County.

His office won’t say where he came from or where he went afterward. But about an hour and 10 minutes after leaving the game, Christie arrived, by car, at the governor’s mansion in Princeton to meet with a group of Iowa businessmen trying to recruit him for a presidential run.

The use of state helicopters has opened New Jersey governors to criticism for decades, especially when it did not involve official state business.

“It is a means of transportation that is occasionally used as the schedule demands. This has historically been the case in prior administrations as well, and we continue to be judicious in limiting its use,” said Christie’s spokesman Michael Drewniak in an e-mail. He declined to answer additional questions.
(emphasis mine)

Yeah, right, "Judiciious in limiting its use."

It gets better though, that fat f%$# couldn't even be bothered to walk from where he landed to the ball park:
As the game at St. Joseph Regional High School in Montvale was about to begin, a noise from above distracted the spectators who watched the 55-foot-long helicopter buzz over the trees in left field, circle the outfield and land in an adjacent football field. Christie left the helicopter and got into a black car with tinted windows that drove him about 100 yards to the baseball field. The governor watched from the bleachers as his eldest son, Andrew, played starting catcher for Delbarton School. Christie played the position of catcher in high school as well.
He's governor after all, you cannot let his foot touch the ground.

The thing here is that Christie has a long history of this sort of crap, 4 star hotels, buying off people that he's run down going the wrong way on a one way street, etc.

Of course, while he was running for governor, the press ignored this, so one wonders whether he's going to finally lose the undeserved man crush that they have on him.

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