Friday, June 10, 2011

2 Years Too Late, Timmeh

So, the US Treasury is finally taking action against banks who have not engaged in HAMP in good faith:
As the nation’s housing market continues to teeter, the Treasury Department on Thursday penalized three of the nation’s largest banks for subpar performance in administrating a government-sponsored program to modify mortgage loans for distressed homeowners.

As part of a new assessment of mortgage servicers, Treasury officials said they would withhold incentive payments for the three banks — Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo — until the problems are resolved. At that point, those payments would be made, a Treasury spokeswoman said.

In May, the three banks received $24 million in incentives as part of the modification program.

The Treasury Department has previously withheld payments from mortgage servicers, but Thursday’s action focused on some of the biggest players in the program. Called the Home Affordable Modification Program, or HAMP, it is voluntary for mortgage servicers. Nearly all of the nation’s largest banks have signed contracts to participate.
Only, as Yves Smith observes, this is not accountability, it's accountability theater, from the folks who so f%$#ed up HANP so badly that, "HAMP was so clearly a disaster that Treasury Department officials didn’t try very hard to defend it in a meeting with bloggers that I [Yves Smith] participated in last August. The best they could do was claim that it helped the housing market by spreading out foreclosures over a long time period," so in this bit of atmospherics, the banks still get their money, they just won't get it today.

Someone must have informed Timothy "Eddie Haskell" Geithner that even if Barack Obama would never fire him,* if the voters fire Obama, he's still out of job.

*This fact that Geithner is unfirable makes a pretty argument against a 2nd Obama term.
We now have revelations that Larry Summers was more on the ball than he.

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