Friday, May 20, 2011

You Say It Because It's True

Noted African American studies professor Cornell West recently characterized Barack Obama as, "a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats," in addition to declaring that he the President has bought wholeheartedly into "the American Killing Machine."

While there are a number of reasons why a man who was once one of Barack Obama's staunchest supporters might have become disillusioned, and in the interview linked above, there does appear to be a sense of wronged entitlement, West complains about not getting phone calls answered and issues with the inauguration tickets.

Having relatives who have worked, or are working in academe, some at fairly rarefied levels, I can state with some level of authority that a sense of entitlement is rather endemic in this environment, particularly amongst those who ply their trade in the Ivys.

So, I do not find Dr. West's opinion particularly surprising or worthy of note, but I do find the positively kraptastic response to this criticism amongst the intelligentsia and much of the liberal blogosphere to be interesting.

Karoli has a good survey of those responses, in addition to being a prime example of this idiocy:
I don't understand what the goal is when it comes to Cornel West's opinion. He says in that same interview that if the only backstop against fascism is Barack Obama, he'll go with that. If the goings-on in Republican states and the United States Congress doesn't convince you of that, then look to the Supreme Court's future to understand what's at stake. So why come out and call President Obama a tool of the oligarchs? It makes no sense, and is suppressive in nature and intent.
How about this: because it is the truth.

Whether it is Geithner and Summers and the banks, the quashing of even the most casual investigation of torture, the expansion of the surveillance state, the war on whistle blowers, etc., Cornell West's statement is objectively true.

He is better than the current crop of Republican candidates, but so was Terri Schiavo when she was on a ventilator.

1 comment:

  1. Matthew G. SaroffMay 20, 2011 at 6:33 PM

    I agree with you about West.

    As I noted, what I find interesting is the fact that so many people immediately responded by asking, "Why do you hate America?"

    Obama's fanboi are just the same as Bush's.
