Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wrapping NHS Up In a Bow, and Giving It to Non-Profits

Here's a big surprise, the Tories intend to dismantle the National Health Service in the UK, and give it to for profit entities:
A senior adviser to David Cameron says the NHS could be improved by charging patients and will be transformed into a "state insurance provider, not a state deliverer" of care.

Mark Britnell, who was appointed to a "kitchen cabinet" advising the prime minister on reforming the NHS, told a conference of executives from the private sector that future reforms would show "no mercy" to the NHS and offer a "big opportunity" to the for-profit sector.

The revelations come on the eve of an important speech by the prime minister on the future of the NHS, during which he is expected to try to allay widespread fears that the reforms proposed in health secretary Andrew Lansley's health and social care bill would lead to privatisation.
So not a shocker.

Conservatives realize that when government works, it becomes popular, and they don't, so they spend most of their times trying to throw a monkey wrench (spanner in UK-speak) into the works.

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