Monday, May 23, 2011

The Pod People Have Replaced Natalie with a Doppelgänger

I love my daughter, but she could lose a bright orange bowling ball on a golf green.

It's just the way she is.

Well, it's not been a good week for my children in the losing things arena.

She lost her beloved cell phone (really, she loves it), and Charlie lost his eyeglasses , and so we have been turning the house upside down for the past week trying to find them.

We set up an appointment with Charlie's Ophthalmologist to get a new pair of glasses, and I was about to start looking on eBay to find the oft-threatened crappy cheap replacement phone.

And then, tonight, in the space of 90 seconds, she found both of them.

Either the pod people have replaced her with a simulacrum, or there was a meteor strike nearby that released some heretofore unknown type of radiation, and she has developed mutant powers.

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