Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Giants Win the Pennant! The Giants Win the Pennant! The Giants Win the Pennant!!!!*

Democrat Kathy Hochul, has won the special election in New York's 26th Congressional district, largely because people do not want the Republicans to f%$# with Medicare.

Note here that she also won with some solid numbers, she got 48% of the vote, as versus Republican Jane Corwin's 42% of the vote, and teabagger nutjob Jack Davis's 8%.

You have to figure that even if Davis were not in the race, she would have won.

Note that this is not only one of the most firmly republican districts in New York, but one of the more heavily 'Phant districts in the country, and it wasn't even close.

*If you are American, and have not heard of the Shot Heard 'Round the World, shame on you. If you are not American, click the link.

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