Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's On Bitches

At least three of the six Republican state senators targeted for recall in Wisconsin will happen:
State election officials ordered July 12 recall elections on Monday for three Republican state senators, setting the stage for what could be an unprecedented summer of recall elections.

The Government Accountability Board, which runs state elections, voted unanimously to schedule the recall elections against Sens. Dan Kapanke of LaCrosse, Randy Hopper of Fond du Lac and Luther Olsen of Ripon.


On Monday, the Republicans successfully struck some of the signatures from the recall petitions against them as invalid, but not enough to prevent the elections. About 15,000 signatures for each senator were needed to hold recall elections, and in each case more than 21,000 valid signatures were gathered.
(emphasis mine)

So they got about 50% more signatures than were required, and unlike the Republican efforts, they did not have to bring in paid signature gatherers, nor did they have to lie about what was being signed or buy the signers drinks.

There are 3 Republican, and 3 Democratic state senators yet to be ruled on, but my guess is that all of them will go through, though I do not expect the Dems, unless the national Democratic Party does something mind-bogglingly stupid, like signal approval to some sort of Medicare cuts. (Yes, Steny Hoyer, have a nice glass of Shut the F%$# Up!)

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