Monday, May 9, 2011

Another Shanda Before the Goyim

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The original

Der Tzitung

De Voch
Not one but two Heredim (black hat ultra Orthodox) publications, Der Tzitung and De Voch photoshopped Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and and White House aide Audrey Tomason out of the iconic picture of staff watching the progress of the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound.

It appears that they consider even a photograph of a woman to be too sexually salacious.

It just proves that medieval hyper-religious nut-jobs are not limited to al Qaeda, or the talibaptist whack jobs, but includes fellow Jews.

As my brother is wont to say, "Schwer zu Sein a Yid."  (It ain't easy being a Jew.)

H/t Failed Messiah.

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